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2018 Covers Episodes 1 through 40
Podcast #3: Ending Well – Training success begins with setting up the environment for success.
Bonus Articles: What is Clicker Training and Clicker Training Super Glue. Clicker training is so much more than the use of a marker tool. You get not one, but two great articles with this podcast. Both explore what it means to be a clicker trainer.
Please Note: Not all the podcasts have additional material associated with them.
Podcast Series 1: Episodes 1-4 – Bonuses
Podcast #1: Visitors – Our Introduction to the Equiosity Podcasts
Bonus article: Summer Pleasures: Watermelon Parties and the Two Sides of Freedom – A discussion of choice, control, cue versus command-based training.
Podcast #2: The Companions of our Heart – Emotional well-being is the overarching theme of this podcast.
Bonus Article: Tap Root Behaviors – Describes a teaching strategy that helps bring emotional stability to your training. Topics covered range from maintaining your horse’s equine friends to food delivery strategies.
Podcast #4: The Foundation Lessons – The foundation lessons are more than the behaviors we use to get started with clicker training. They help to create emotional well-being.
Podcasts 5-7 did not have bonus articles. We announced our first webinar instead.
Podcast #8: Spring Projects - The foundation Lessons help teach great grazing manners.
Bonus Articles: Deer Fencing: Everything is Connected - Find out how to transform grass from a distraction to a reinforcer.
Podcast #10: Movement Cycles and All They Create
Bonus Article: What Am I Looking At? Do you need a little help understanding what good balance means? The before and after analysis of this horse's balance will help tune your eye.
Bonus Article: What Way Do You Want To Shape? In Podcast #16 Alexandra Kurland talked used the metaphor of a funnel to describe two different approaches to training. This article provides a detailed description of the way in which the funnel image helps us understand the difference between a macro and micro approach to training. Are you starting with a big, general, and somewhat messy behavior, or are you beginning with a small, tight, clean loop?
Podcast #16: Heads Are Spinning
For Podcast #18: Interview with Hannah Brannigan: Why Balance?
Bonus Article: WOW! In Podcast 18 Hannah Brannigan talked about her terrier, Rugby. When she first got him, his balance was very every which way but straight. Through good training that changed dramatically. In the podcast she talked about a video that shows him heeling like a "Belgium shepherd." In this article we share a link to that video so you can see for yourself what "WOW!" looks like.
For Podcasts 21, and 24
For Podcasts 24 and 25
Bonus Article: Snickers the Cow
In Podcast 21: A Postcard from Germany, we introduce you to Snickers the Clicker-Trained cow. And again, in Podcast 24 we talk about Joyful cows. In this article we share photos of Snickers and a short video. Be prepared to be inspired!
Bonus Article: Learning to Wait!
In Podcasts 24 and 25: “Do It Differently - Parts 1 and 2” we promised you a video of the goats and here it is. We were talking about how you build duration. The answer is slowly.
For Podcast 26
Bonus Article: The Hierarchy of Behavior Change Procedures
Dr. Susan Friedman's article on the Hierarchy of Behavior Change Procedures:
What's Wrong with this Picture? Effectiveness Is Not Enough
As to diseases, make a habit of two things: to help, or at least to do no harm. Hippocrates
Of the many important facets expressed in Hippocrates’ simple ideal, surely one of the most important is its universality. Indeed, this ethical principle is as applicable to caregivers as it is to physicians; to behavior problems as to diseases; and to animals as to people. However, as straightforward as the dichotomy between helping and harming may first appear, it can be a complicated subject regarding the procedures used to change an animal’s behavior.
For Podcasts 27 and 28
Bonus Article: Additional resources for Single-Subject Design Studies
Michaela Hempen has provided us with some additional resources for anyone who wants to learn more about single-subject design studies.
For Dr. Susan Friedman's 9/29/18 webinar
Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation:
Dr. Susan Friedman has shared three studies that she talked about in the 9/29/18 webinar.
For Podcast 32
In Podcast 32: Observational Learning we talk about the work of Standford psychologist, Carol Dweck. This article describes several studies she did and their connection to horse training. Learn about the power of "yet".
We share two short video clips of Cindy's horses.
For Podcast 40:
A Conversation with Mary Concannon Part 3: Grumpy Horses
When Mary Concannon's thoroughbred, Newby, had a terrible leg wound that had to be cold hosed, together they invented a fun game to get the job done. We share a short video showing the solution.