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Episode 225: Panel Discussion Pt 1: A Celebration of Clicker Training

We’re celebrating the 1 year Anniversary of my on-line clinic series with a three part panel discussion. We’re joined by some of the regular attendees of the on-line coaching sessions. The group represents a wide range of experience both with horses and with clicker training. They bring a fresh perspective to our training discussions.

At the in-person clinics the training discussions continue over dinner. That’s a part of the day that I very much enjoy. We talk about what we did with the horses and the training questions they reveal. I was hoping that’s the kind of conversation we would have over the zoom platform. That’s exactly what happened. This wasn’t Dominique and I talking while a group of people listened in the background. Everyone jumped in to create a fresh, wonderful podcast conversation.

In part 1 we begin with a question from a participant who is asking the others what changed for them when they began to clicker train? For her so much of what she had learned previously didn’t seem to apply. The goals of the training seemed very different. Did others experience this? What did they have to change as they transitioned to positive reinforcement training? This question expanded into what are some of the key elements that helped them to be successful with their horses?

We talk about working with aggressive behavior and horses that feel overwhelming. And we celebrate the successes people are having with their horses.

If you are interested in learning more about the on-line clinics, do visit my web site:


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